Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy due to increased pressure and hormonal changes. While often manageable with home remedies, there are times when you should call your OB-GYN.

First, if you have persistent or severe pain that doesn’t improve with home treatments, contact your OB. Excessive bleeding, especially heavy bleeding or blood in your stool, also warrants a call.

If your hemorrhoids don’t improve after a week of home remedies or worsen, it’s time to consult your OB. Signs of infection, like fever, increased redness, swelling, or pus, need prompt medical attention. Severe itching or irritation that interferes with daily life should be addressed by your OB.

Thrombosed hemorrhoids, which are painful and swollen due to blood clots, require medical intervention. Additionally, if you have other pregnancy complications like preeclampsia or gestational diabetes, discuss your hemorrhoids with your OB.

When you call your OB, they will assess your symptoms and may recommend treatments, medications, or procedures to alleviate your discomfort. Always prioritize your well-being and seek professional advice if you experience concerning symptoms.