Things To Ask Your Doctor

Pregnant woman in doctors appointment
Your obstetrician will gladly answer any questions you might have regarding your birthing experience. Hemorrhoids (frequently misspelled as hemroids or hemoroids) are a valid concern for both women who are expecting their first child as well as for existing Moms who have delivered previously. The following list contains questions to help broach the subject of hemorrhoids with your obstetric provider.
Questions For Patients Who Are Expecting Their First Child
- What is my risk of developing hemorrhoids as a result of vaginal childbirth?
- If I develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy, does this increase my chance of getting hemorrhoids during delivery? Can they get worse (or thrombose) during delivery?
- What can I do to help prevent external hemorrhoids as a result of childbirth?
- If I get hemorrhoids during delivery and they are extremely painful, who do I call or see: you, a proctologist, or do I go to the ER?
Questions For Patients Who Have Delivered Previously
- I developed external hemorrhoids from a previous delivery. They were painful and took a while to go away. Is there any way I can avoid getting hemorrhoids during delivery again?
- I’ve been told that just because I didn’t have hemorrhoids during a previous birth doesn’t mean I won’t get them during this birthing experience. Is there anything I can do to reduce my risk?
- What can I do to help prevent external hemorrhoids as a result of childbirth?
- If I get hemorrhoids during delivery and they are extremely painful, who do I call or see: you, a proctologist, or do I go to the ER?