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So far stetrix has created 30 blog entries.

Tips For A Hospital Delivery


Choosing a hospital as the venue for delivery comes with its own set of considerations and preparations. When planning for a hospital delivery, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the environment, understand the procedures, and know what to expect to make the experience as smooth and comfortable as possible. Start by touring the hospital [...]

Tips For A Hospital Delivery2024-01-26T18:40:15+00:00

How to Have a VBAC: The Path to Vaginal Birth After Cesarean


VBAC, or Vaginal Birth After Cesarean, is an option that many women consider following a previous Cesarean section (C-section). The possibility of having a vaginal birth after a C-section brings hope to many mothers wishing for a different birthing experience. However, navigating the path to a successful VBAC requires information, preparation, and support. Here’s [...]

How to Have a VBAC: The Path to Vaginal Birth After Cesarean2024-01-18T19:08:55+00:00

Do Inductions Cause C-Sections?


Do Inductions Cause C-Sections? The journey of childbirth is filled with decisions, and one prevalent question that many expectant mothers encounter is whether to induce labor. Induction of labor is a procedure where medical techniques are used to stimulate uterine contractions to start the process of childbirth. One concern that has been echoed in [...]

Do Inductions Cause C-Sections?2023-12-22T19:58:43+00:00

Can You Prevent Hemorrhoids During Birth?


Can You Prevent Hemorrhoids During Birth? Bringing a new life into the world is a miraculous process, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges, one of which might be the development of hemorrhoids during childbirth. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectal area, and they can cause discomfort, itching, and bleeding. [...]

Can You Prevent Hemorrhoids During Birth?2023-12-22T19:47:13+00:00

C-Section Prevention: Is It Possible?


The mode of delivery when welcoming a new baby into the world typically falls into one of two categories: vaginal birth or Cesarean section (C-section). While both methods have their own merits and are utilized based on the needs and safety of the mother and baby, there's been a growing discussion around the prevention [...]

C-Section Prevention: Is It Possible?2023-12-15T16:30:25+00:00

Best Pregnancy Diet To Ease Constipation And More


Hey there, soon-to-be-mamas! I know pregnancy can feel like a rollercoaster ride. One moment, you're over the moon, and the next, you're running to the bathroom because of morning sickness or worse, constipation. Trust me, I've been there! So, let's talk about a topic that's not often discussed: the best foods to ease pregnancy troubles. [...]

Best Pregnancy Diet To Ease Constipation And More2023-06-29T14:18:31+00:00

Tips For A More Comfortable Childbirth


While many describe childbirth as beautiful, fewer seasoned mothers would probably describe it as “comfortable.” Childbirth is called labor for good reason–it’s hard work! Even with an epidural or other significant pain lessening measures, birth takes significant physical, mental, and emotional energy. Furthermore, first time births typically take longer, averaging up to 24 hours versus [...]

Tips For A More Comfortable Childbirth2023-06-06T14:10:24+00:00

Will My Pregnancy Hemorrhoids Ever Go Away?


If you’re one of the MANY expecting mothers who has developed pregnancy-induced hemorrhoids, you may be asking yourself this on a daily basis. How can something so small be so pesky?! The answer that you may not love is yes, they will probably go away. Most hemorrhoids resolve on their own within 6-12 weeks. Unfortunately, [...]

Will My Pregnancy Hemorrhoids Ever Go Away?2023-06-29T14:21:06+00:00

Top 10 Worst Side Effects Of Pregnancy


The pot of gold at the end of the pregnancy rainbow is meeting your new baby–congratulations! But in reality, even though you may experience a joyful pregnancy glow, most mothers wouldn’t actually describe pregnancy as a “rainbow.” For many, it’s a little more arduous. Here are 10 common not-so-fun pregnancy side effects that many expecting [...]

Top 10 Worst Side Effects Of Pregnancy2023-04-26T16:46:37+00:00

How To Avoid a C-Section Delivery


  First, it’s important to clarify that even if you shudder at the thought of having a C-Section, it might happen; it’s not preventable 100% of the time. There are certain circumstances that may arise during pregnancy or even during labor that make a Ceasarean necessary for the safety of mom, the baby, or both. [...]

How To Avoid a C-Section Delivery2023-03-27T17:45:23+00:00
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